If we take a closer look at the problems that exist in our society, there is a lack of education and training. The trend of education among Muslims has started to increase, but the problems are still the same. The main reason is that people now Until then, education has not been considered a goal and they do not consider education as an essential part of life. After the implementation of the lockdown in the country, people are constantly suffering, most of them belong to the middle class. There is also a class of teachers who have been severely affected by the lockdown issues. It is another matter that some educational institutions that can afford it are meeting the salaries of teachers and their staff from their own resources, but 80% of such educational institutions There are those who have no resources And he is advising his teachers to stay at home and asking students to stay at home. This solves the problem so much that children and teachers can avoid an epidemic like Corona, but an epidemic of hunger. No one can save anyone from that epidemic except death. The same is true of the teaching community. These people can neither reach out to anyone nor can anyone consider them deserving and help them financially. It is said that a nation whose teachers And in a nation where teachers are not considered as teachers but slaves, the nation will never develop nor will intellectuals and righteous people be born in that nation. If the status of teachers was not high then prayers for teachers in five daily prayers would also be done. Does not fit If we look at the Muslim society, we know that we have room for all the superstitions, we can spend tens of millions of rupees for ourselves, our children and our needs, but to help the architects of our nation who are educating our generations. Today, everyone spends Rs. 20-25 lakhs for their children's weddings.
But if Rs. 200,000 is paid for the salaries of teachers teaching in private schools, then surely the teachers will not be forced to go to bed hungry.
They try to prove themselves great by spending money. They should realize that their old age is not in making a name for themselves in the nation by providing luxuries and entertainment, but they are respected in the world. Those who have respected their teachers, have raised the status of teachers in their nation. Certainly, a teacher is not a king, but he makes the ignorant king by teaching.
Our small initiative can do a great job, we need not to starve the teachers in our society but to take care of their children in the same way we take care of our children so that in the heart of the teachers. It did not occur to us that we should not have been born in a nation where teachers are not respected.